This page contains the details of the chapters in class 11 Economics. The links take you to the NCERT solutions page for the corresponding chapter.
NCERT solutions for the following chapters are available for class 11 Economics. The solutions for NCERT class 11 Economics are provided in detail and can be viewed by clicking on the links provided. This page gives an overview of the lessons. NCERT has provided Economics subjects for class 11 in two books namely,
Book 1:
Indian Economic Development This book has 4 units:
Unit I:
Development Policies and Experience (1947-90)
Unit II:
Economic Reforms Since 1991
Unit III:
Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy
Unit IV:
Development Experiences of India: A Comparison With Neighbours
Book 2:
Statistics for Economics
The following are the various units available.
Indian Economic Development – Unit I: Development Policies and Experience (1947-90)
Unit I: Development Policies and Experience (1947-90) covers the following chapters
1. Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence After studying this chapter, the learners will
become familiar with the state of the Indian economy in 1947, the year of India’s Independence
understand the factors that led to the underdevelopment and stagnation of the Indian economy
2. Indian Economy 1950–1990: After studying this chapter, the learners will
come to know the goals of India’s five year plans
know about the development policies in different sectors such as agriculture and industry from 1950-1990
learn to think about the merits and limitations of a regulated economy.
Indian Economic Development – Unit II: Economic Reforms Since 1991
Unit II: Economic Reforms Since 1991 covers the following chapter(s)
3. Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation: An Apraisal After studying this chapter, the learners will
understand the background of the reform policies introduced in India in 1991
understand the mechanism through which reform policies were introduced
comprehend the process of globalisation and its implications for India
be aware of the impact of the reform process in various sectors.
Indian Economic Development – Unit III: Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy
Unit III: Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy covers the following chapters
4. Human Capital Formation in India: After studying this chapter, the learners will understand
the concepts of Human Resource, Human Capital Formation and Human Development
the links between investment in human capital, economic growth and human development
the need for government spending on education and health
the state of India’s educational attainment.
5. Rural Development: After studying this chapter, the learners will
understand rural development and the major issues associated with it
appreciate how crucial the development of rural areas is for India’s overall development
understand the critical role of credit and marketing systems in rural development
learn about the importance of diversification of productive activities to sustain livelihoods
understand the significance of organic farming in sustainable development.
6. Employment : Growth, Informalisation and Other Issues After studying this chapter, the learners will
understand a few basic concepts relating to employment such as economic activity, worker, workforce and unemployment
understand the nature of participation of men and women in various economic activities in various sectors
know the nature and extent of unemployment
assess the initiatives taken by the government in generating employment opportunities in various sectors and regions.
7. Environment and Sustainable Development After studying this chapter, the learners will
understand the concept of environment
analyse the causes and effects of ‘environmental degradation’ and ‘resource depletion’
understand the nature of environmental challenges facing India
relate environmental issues to the larger context of sustainable development.
Indian Economic Development – Unit IV: Development Experiences of India: A Comparison with Neighbours
Unit IV: Development Experiences of India: A Comparison with Neighbours covers the following chapter(s)
8. Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Nighbours: After studying this chapter, the learners will
figure out comparative trends in various economic and human development indicators of India and its neighbours, China and Pakistan
assess the strategies that these countries have adopted to reach their present state of development.
Statistics for Economics
Statistics for Economics has the following lessons
1. Introduction: After studying this chapter, the learners will
know what the subject of economics is about;
understand how economics is linked with the study of economic activities in consumption, production and distribution;
understand why knowledge of statistics can help in describing consumption, production and distribution;
learn about some uses of statistics in the understanding of economic activities.
2. Collection of Data: After studying this chapter, the learners will
understand the meaning and purpose of data collection;
distinguish between primary and secondary sources;
know the mode of collection of data;
distinguish between Census and Sample Surveys;
be familiar with the techniques of sampling;
know about some important sources of secondary data.
3. Organisation of Data: After studying this chapter, the learners will
classify the data for further statistical analysis;
distinguish between quantitative and qualitative classification;
prepare a frequency distribution table;
know the technique of forming classes;
be familiar with the method of tally marking;
differentiate between univariate and bivariate frequency distributions
4. Presentation of Data: After studying this chapter, the learners will
present data using tables;
represent data using appropriate diagrams.
5. Measures of Central Tendency: After studying this chapter, the learners will
understand the need for summarising a set of data by one single number;
recognise and distinguish between the different types of averages;
learn to compute different types of averages;
draw meaningful conclusions from a set of data;
develop an understanding of which type of average would be the most useful in a particular situation
6. Correlation: After studying this chapter, the learners will
understand the meaning of the term correlation;
understand the nature of relationship between two variables;
calculate the different measures of correlation;
analyse the degree and direction of the relationships.
7. Index Numbers: After studying this chapter, the learners will
understand the meaning of the term index number;
become familiar with the use of some widely used index numbers;
calculate an index number;
appreciate its limitations.
8. Use of Statistical Tools: After studying this chapter, the learners will
be familiar with steps in designing a project;
apply various statistical tools in analysing a problem.